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Thursday, December 1, 2011

the Last Airbender Review with Robert and Brandon

Hello, I am Clayton and welcome to "Clayton vs. Hollywood", and today's a very special day, I am teaming up with two of my friends to review a certain film. But first, let the guys introduce themselves....

Robert: Hey, I'm Robert, and I'm too awesome to have a catchphrase
Brandon: And I'm Brandon....I'm...just Brandon.

So today, me and the guys are going to review a film adaptation of the show, "Avatar: the Last Airbender" (By the way, me and Brandon are going to review James Cameron's "Avatar" soon). Robert, explain the premise of the cartoon, because I haven't seen it.

Robert: Ok, so the cartoon is about the world is divided into four nations: the Water Tribes, the Earth Kingdom, the Fire Nation, and the Air Nomads. Within each nation, there is a remarkable order of men and women called the "benders" who can learn to harness their inborn talent and manipulate their native element. Bending is a powerful form combining martial art and elemental magic. In each generation, only one bender is solely capable of controlling all four elements. That bender is the Avatar. The Avatar is the spirit of the world manifested in human form. When the Avatar dies, it reincarnates into the next nation in the cycle. Starting with the mastery of his or her native element, the Avatar learns to bend all four elements. Throughout the ages, the countless incarnations of the Avatar have served to keep the four nations in harmony. Then, the Fire Nation launched a war against the other three nations. Just as the world needed the Avatar the most, he mysteriously vanished. A hundred years later, the Fire Nation is near final victory in its ruthless war of world domination. The Air Nomads were destroyed, the Air Temples ravished, and all airbender monks eradicated. The Water Tribes were raided and driven to the brink of extinction. The Earth Kingdom remains and fights a hopeless war against the Fire Nation. Many believe the Avatar was never reborn into the Air Nomads and the cycle is broken. In the desolated South Pole, a lone Water tribe struggles to survive. It is here that the village's last remaining waterbender Katara and her warrior brother Sokka rescue a strange 12-year-old boy named Aang who has been suspended in hibernation in an iceberg. The Water tribe soon discovers that Aang is not only an Airbender--the extinct race no one has seen in a century--but also the long lost Avatar. Now Katara and Sokka must safeguard the child Avatar in his journey to master all four elements and save the world from the Fire Nation

Brandon: Wow o_0 that's a mouth-full.

Indeed, but now let's get on with the film, "the Last Airbender" and basically the plot of this film is the same as the cartoon. Short but sweet. Let's move on.

What we liked about the movie: Clayton: Although sticking with the storyline, the movie does have SOME good action.

Robert: Nothing. 'Nuff said.

Brandon: They kept the storyline and the elemental powers.

What we didn't like about the movie: Clayton: Ok, Robert has my opinions of this film on why we hate it. Robert take it away...


Brandon: Dude, calm down.....I just didn't like how they changed the character's names.

Final thoughts: Clayton: Robert and I share the same thoughts on this film. Robert, once again, take it away...

Robert: Overall, "the Last Airbender" SUCKS! It's worse than "Percy Jackson" and it's even worse than "Dragonball: Evolution".

Brandon: Overall, this film was ok.

Rating: Clayton and Robert: A LOW recommendation. But we'll be fair for those not familiar with the series, to those it's a moderate recommendation.

Brandon: A moderate recommendation: Decide for yourself.

Clayton: Thanks for joining me, guys, and for the audience, I'm Clayton and prepare for Hollywood to pay what we had to pay

Robert: And I'm Robert, and I'm too awesome to have a catchprase.

Brandon: And I'm Brandon....I'm....just Brandon

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